Double Exposure

When creating Double Exposure images, you have to take into consideration all the aspects. It was difficult to find images that matched the vibe your photos would give off. It also was a struggle to find how to blend the images to look right and fit correctly. After understanding it though, it really helped even if looking for the right image took way to long. The struggle shows you are improving which is what matters the most.

“Failure isn’t the End”

Have you ever faced a challenge in front of you? You must push through it, and overcome your fear of failure. Life plans challenges all over you to learn and adapt to them. You grow character and strength for every lesson you have learned. Just because you hit a road block doesn’t make it a dead end.

“I Prefer To See It As The Study Of Change”

Throughout the years many people change. You as an individual and everyone else around you will as well. Everyone will come and go, so take your time and don’t let your time pass. You can’t stop it, and no one else can either. You will go through rough patches, but that helps develop character.

“Mankind was born on Earth. It was never meant to die here.”

The Lord leaves the greatest gift for us, and that is his love. God loves each and everyone of us and helps us find our way to him. We won’t stay on earth forever but we have a choice on where we are going. God gave us the choice to follow him in his footsteps and to spread the love of God.

“Endure and Survive”

Always expect failure, but never let it take control. Failure helps you succeed for the future. It helps you to never make the same mistake. You already learn as you grow up to help you survive, but you must endure all the obstacles in your way. Don’t let something drag you down, rather use it to push yourself up.

“One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Mankind”

We Discover the beauty of God everyday as we expand the sight of our galaxy. God created the moon to light up the dark night, and he created the stars showing his all power. We discover the creative gas giants, stars, and galaxies everyday giving us a different perspective on how big the galaxy really is.

Hockney Effect – Jeep

I face a lot of challenges when taking photos for this project. Many being like how many photos I need to take? Am I missing anything? Simple stuff like that. As you can tell I missed the bumper and some of the left side. Many other parts were a little hard to connect like the windshield being a hard one and the side window with the mirror.

Multi-Colored Portrait Assignment

I used three colors, 2 on the side and one on the back to create the purple hair mixed with the blue and red creating the effect of the merging color.

The hardest part was to get the back light right for each one and getting the right amount on ones face.

Color Lighting Project

I used an Orange lighting mixed with blue meeting the Purple color in the center. The hardest part about this project was adjusting the orange to get it correctly, but was able to fix it in Photoshop and Lightroom.

Based this photo off of the Blade Runner scene when talking to the projection, hardest part was getting the pink correctly and the angle correctly as well.

10 Flash Poses Challenge

I did 10 different poses either standing up or sitting, trying to use the inverse square theory. It was easy to understand what pose I wanted and how the subject does it. I struggled with the contrast on the subjects face being to bright which I had to edit to darken the image and fix the problems the image had before.

5 Types of Flash

Split Lighting – Light coming from one direction, splitting the face in half and half.

Broad Lighting – The light is coming from the left with the subjects face looking to the opposite directon giving the broad face a bigger purpose in the photo.

Short Lighting – The light is on the left with the subject facing more towards the light creating a shadow on the left side of the subjects face.

Rembrandt – The light is higher up pointing down to create a triangle of light under the subjects left eye.

Butterfly Lighting – Creates a catchlight in the subjects eyes and the light is taken from above right in front of the subject, creating a shadow under the nose of the subject.